Mar 25, 2005

I like it a lot!

Im sitting on my ass and this is what I plan on doing for the rest of my day! Except maybe for when I plan on going to which will be just me sitting in the tub watching DVD's on my laptop! I'm very happy with my purchase. It may cost me an arm and a leg in the long run, it's a good idea! I can go to school and work on actual work. I've never been a pen and paper kinda gall. O'dear lord, I'm a computer geek. Lol, that's the last thing I need. I'm already the go to gal at work for...Everything computer. My co-workers are the hunt and peck kinda people and they all are amazed how the computer can have a " Firewall" it's apparently " THE MOST AMAZING THING" they have ever seen. I like most am not a full out geek...But I do understand something about computers, like how your not supposed to pound the mouse buttons 300 times to make the " Thingy pop up!" If you wanted to get tricky, I MIGHT understand html which I thought myself out of boredom one weekend. Other than that, im just a normal girl looking for the right color to make her windows look " Cute/manageable" FYI, it's pink and purple for now! I like in my very own sad sad world.