Feb 26, 2007

Girls Night

We chase our vadka with chips! PS I look like a GIANT! in truth...I am AND she's short. I really had a lot of fun that night! We ran out of the good booze so we started chasing vadka shots with chips to take the edge off. As we got that underway we made the worlds BEST Gingerbread house that the boys tried to attack seconds after we where done.

Feb 16, 2007

Just thought you would like to see....because I'm bored


Do you ever get this grand idea? An idea that leads you to change your entire world? I'm not really talking about going with the 2-ply instead of the 1-ply...it's smaller then that and bigger then that all in one. It could be as small as telling somebody they where right when you would normally argue your way around them, or something as big as telling somebody you love them. I'm tired of living...censored. This kind of life...is'nt as fullfilling as I thought it would be.

He thinks it's funny...

Every Day this week, EVERY DAY, Scott has texted me and woke me up simply because I don't have anything to wake up for...I can just go back to sleep. So first at 10am, then at 9am, then to 8am and this morning, 6am. I'm sure he thinks it's HILARIOUS. I think it is, it just takes time...an hour or so of bitching, than it's funny.

Feb 15, 2007

Lappy is BACK! Back again!

yayyyyyaaa! I got my laptop back! Nice big screen and all my own settings back! It's been a while since this one broke and by the time I called and got it fixed it's been about 2 months. Thankfully I am still able to type because the computer I was using was about half the size of this one.

Feb 6, 2007


Vacation's over. Back to work :( New job sucks pretty bad! I'm not sure what to do...

I did however make these awesome cupcakes for my poker boys!! Lucky them!

Dark secrete time! Look at that mug!
Maybe I'm feeling a little strange because...I have so many secretes...
I'm sitting here, On the phone making plans to do something that if known...my life would be.......over
I should really go back to school
and start photography again...I should be happy again