Apr 30, 2004


People are just un-real. We play it like we all are part of this " Sane" group that lives in this reality...Yet, for the most part, if you spend your day with hundreds of retail patrons...You would (for the most part) realize what crockery it is that people are in the least "Sane". Some lady yelled at me for mixing the hot popcorn with the cold popcorn today. Wtf? Okay...She must have a great life to not have anything else to worry about like...I donno, children starving or people dyeing in the fucking WAR? Hello people? Where are all the sane people? Who poisoned the well is my question!

Apr 28, 2004

I know it's like when ever he comes up missing, we (I) always post it...but i had been letting it go figuring he would come back...but Hedge is missing! p.s. where are all my site hits comming from?

Apr 27, 2004

As it seems I have determined the root to my…shall we call it…"offness"? My offness referring to me doing such things as telling Rosa I wanted to drive my car onto the sidewalk, Pull an all nighter, drop out of college, and many other sorted things. Yet still I digress! Figuring in that I have slept approx. 3 hrs each night for…well about a month and I have aided myself with nothing more than a horrible diet of pasta, bread and lots and lots of coffee. I can see where I truly killed myself! I lied to my parents and my doctor even about the amount of sleep I have been getting. I should have never done that. I need to come up with a plan of defense! I need to start to sleep mofo’s! Dropping my Starbucks addiction and trying to eat different foods might be the key! But that’s not enough! I need to keep up this walking thing I started about a week ago. I need to get my school in order so I’m not pressuring myself to stay up at all hours of the night to ultimately never even of started my homework. My lifestyle needs a major overhaul! When to start is the question…Let’s pick today! Hey, why the hell not! I’m bored and dumb enough. So I guess that means that I should get of the computer and start doing my paper seeing as I am an english as we speak…haha, I’m a horrible student! }

Apr 26, 2004

I want coffee

I'm very much lethargic. I don't want to go to work. I don't want to stay home. Yet I rather want to just...Stop and sleep or finish my homework. Why did I agree to work 4 more hours? I need some serious starbucks.

Apr 24, 2004

Death in the Collection?

The site in wich hosts our ( Rosa and myself) comment's seems to be broken at the moment. I can't view any comment's made and I also can not log onto the site anymore. Maybe they died, well, at least maybe the comp. died.

Apr 23, 2004

Apr 22, 2004

Subjection Of Women

In English we are reading " The subjection Of Women"...There's to much to go into, just one thought...John Mills, was a brilliant man of his time. To realize what is so second hand to most of us now, than, leads me to question the questions of whom are the great thinkers of today.

Apr 19, 2004

Money anyone?

I've been un-denialbly down in the dumps lately. For reasons which I can't determine, I just cant seem to find a good reason to be happy. But it's impossible for me to break out into smiles when I look at old navy or something to that effect. I love shopping. And with all of it's " Girly, materialistic" images, I make this public service announcement: I am all of the above...NEWS FLASH! Where have you been?

Why am I in the fetal position?

I don't want a boyfriend.
I don't want the whole jealous feeling
I don't want to have to care about another person
It's to hard for me. I like things simple okay? I would like to think I'm a much more complicated person...But the facts are...I'm simple okay?

Apr 18, 2004


U2busse: omg, heath and I are planning an intervention
Str141: with?
U2busse: were taking ur checks and visa

That's such a great idea, it's no longer funny. I have spent so much money these past weeks! Let's see...Earrings, shoes, pants, purse(s) wallet, lotion, books, Coffee...And lot's of other frivolous junk. I need to get on a diet it's almost sick, and loose some weight. I need to thus save my money and stop spending it on JUNK like: pretzels from Target, Moca's, and M&M's to suck on in the weighting room. I have this whole, spare tire thing goin, and I think it's rather sick looking. Besides the fact that I'm very un-healthy and tired all the time, I would like to just look good...That is, not size 13 or 16 at that. Yet, just a little less than where I'm at. With all that useless stuff said...I'm going to bed with increased doubt in myself and those who are being made to look like that " are in love" with me. Ouch...My confidence...It just died.

Apr 17, 2004

We have baby!

It was around 8:45 that my second nephew, Brandon was born. And now instead of going back to the hospital and seeing my sister and the baby and family...I'm going to Target to work in icky food Ave. I hate the fact that the place I hate so much is taking me away from where I really want to be. Target will rot in hell for this.

Apr 16, 2004

Baby what?

I have a feeling tonight is going to be very long! My sister is in labor as we speak! Yet...4hr after being admitted...She's no further along than before! So here I am, trying to sleep a little, watching my niece, and blogging my life away! Updates as I get them! I should be heading back to the hospital later, see ya'll!

Apr 15, 2004

Collette, now gladly accepting donations!

I feel like I'm in pieces. Spread out so far I can't keep track of who I really am, or who I want to be. It's hard, kinda like being toggled between the life I have, and the life I want. What do I want? Me asking myself that question is a daily process. What I want and where I'm going seems to be nowhere. I want to get in shape. I want that more than anything and it's feeling a lot like, If I get that done, than all of this "fluttering" will simmer down. After getting in shape, I want to get a better job. I want to work somewhere I'm proud to be apart of. I don't want to have to add " Lame " before introducing my position in Target Corp. I want to be able to go out and shop in the full priced section of Old Navy! Not that I would...Because I'm still kinda cheap about paying full price, but I want the chance to! I want to work somewhere that makes me happy. I want a photography job, or a park ranger job even. I want to be happy with my life! I want to be able to treat my friends to dinner at somewhere other than Mc. Donalds. It's a dream. Yeah, we all have them, but I really really want mine to come true!...I just wonder what I'm going to have to give up to get there!?

One thing is for certain: Target sucks. I think they messed up my check again. Which really pisses me off, because it's like $70-$80 off. That's wonderful. I work my ass off on days I wasn't even scheduled, and this is what I get for it. I'm going to go kick ass.

Apr 14, 2004

I don't want to go to work...In fear that I will be bombarded with bitch ass guests again. A couple days ago at the store bar-b-q I was told I was a jealous lame ass. Not those words excatly but rather that I was " Just jealous over ##$%$# because he could do a job that I can't" um...No. The person they are talking about is a supervisor and we all know that I am not one of those. I wouldn't like to be a supervisor. Hell knows that I don't have this whole, " company image". I would just like to get paid for what I do at this hell whole. What probably hurts more is that this came from one of the higher up bosses. What a dick. He used to be so nice to me, ha, what a corporate act. I hate that! I guess you just never know.

Apr 12, 2004

Based soley on today: People in this state...Are insane!

Happy Birthday Rosa buddy person!

Apr 11, 2004

You're bubblegum!!! You love to have a good time,
and enjoy being around others who feel the same
way. You tend to be the life of the party, and
people like to be around you as much as they

Which kind of candy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Apr 10, 2004

Do you ever feel like your lost? It feels like I'm sitting here, with no direction, no want to get my life moving, no want to continue with school, no want to go to work...I just want to sit here until something really important comes to where I want to actually move or breath again. Do you ever wonder if your entire world...Or what you perceive your life as, is all a figment of your imagination?

Apr 8, 2004

I'm tired of people yelling at me about not being able to get their cash back after they get gift certificates. Here is my non Target sponsored solution to this not such a big problem: certificateswap.com

Apr 7, 2004

I want to get a gym membership. I want to get back into wanting to go to school. I really don't want to go anymore. I don't know what I want to do, I don't know where I want to go and it's really annoying! I'm slacking on my work at school and I know it's because...I would rather be working. Is that bad? I always thought of people who dropped out as losers...But it seems to be that my feeling that way is the only thing wrong. And the news I just go leads me to wanting to just crawl in a big fat hole right now.

Apr 6, 2004

Just a few things tonight.
1. Roseanne Bar is my hero!
2. These things piss me off:
a) People who talk to me as if I am retarded the scum of the world
b) I hate not knowing what I am doing
C) I hate knowing more than others, and not getting reconized for it
d) I hate the fact that I watched the front lanes today all alone for 4hr and
than didn't get any real " thank you" or " good job" considering that Its
not my job.
E) I hate it when I'm trying to talk to somebody about something
important, and than they go off on some random tangent.

Apr 3, 2004

Considering all the greatly horrible and life altering shit that has happened in the past 4-5 hours. I am either completely numb, or way happy. At this time about a year ago, I would of been on the floor threatening my life, maybe a lot more tears than have been had tonight would of already been shed last year...But now, all in all, I think I am rather keeping my sanity. Wahwhoo for all that this matters.

For some reason, people have it in their heads that I have the perfect life. I have a car, I have a room of my own, I am in college, I have a job, I can buy things at will. People keep telling me " you just have the perfect life" haha, mo fo's. After staying up all night counseling a person on " the real light of life" I know that I'm not that perfect. My flaws aren't completely apparent but I don't care whatever they are. At this point ( it being either the fact it's 1:30am or the fact that im at this point in my life) I dont care what other people have. I do have a great car. I do have a great room...And yes, if I wanted to, I couldn't totally go out and by myself a pair of (clearenced) jeans. What gets my at this time, is excatly what I've been fighting with this person, I have been arguing that "shit, the grass is always greener on the other side...Than you get there, and it's astro turf." HELLO! Name me ONE family who has it perfect? One family who doesn't have this huge flaw? What I keep doing is looking at my life as one large mess. When in fact, it's one great slice of cake...With spots of icky icing on it. We all have shit that happens. Instead of looking at your life like it sucks...And always will. Look at in inside out, Your life is perfect and bad things happen on it. Kinda like running a track, the track being your life...It's calm and pretty, yet there are these hurdles. The hurdles take nothing away from your life, yet you spend your entire life defining it by the hurdles and let the track become a hurdle on it's own. Wither the hurdles be drugs or food, we all have them and we need to jump them as they come. There is no stacking hurdles into the side of the fence, there is no jumping one and running around the rest, there is no such thing as getting out of gym class with out running the track with the hurdles. It just doesn't excisist. You must take it as you get it and try to keep your mind on the right track. When life gives you lemons...Make lemonade and sell it to your friends bitches because your going to have a shit load of lemons okay? Just except that and you'll be okay. Alright... I think I'm a little to reved.
Now let's address this other issue I have hear. I don't have a boyfriend. Nope, non to speak of, okay? Yeah, if your like every other person I know, it's not okay with you that Im not spoken for. I am 19 years old...And I have never been on a date. Am I out there looking...? Not especially. Do I really really want a boy right now? No. But yet, my parents, my sisters, my friends, my COWORKERS! All keep up on it. Come to think about it...I don't think I would talk to most of the people I do, if it where'nt for the fact that they want to see me get hooked with a boy in the very soon future. Every sentence begins with: " So are you going to tell..." Tell who what? Sure there are the people that I think are attractive, or whom I think are interesting...But am I out for the hunt and kill? No, Where do I have time for a boyfriend? Where do I have time for friends actually! Rosa and I barely have hanging out time. Im always on my way to school or just coming back from work. I know Im busy when Our hanging out time turns into me running small errands all night, " Hey lets go to the store!" we have fun sure, but it's still me working in a sense. So I have to have Rosa around for my sanity. I have to work and go to school...Where would I fit in a boyfriend? I want to go out, hang out with my boyfriend's friends. I want to bar-b-q and go hiking, Go on double dates and watch super bowel together...But I can't do any of that now. Now I have to work. And yes, I would make time if I had a boy...But I don't and it's the entire process that I don't want to take on at a time like this. My real question is WHY? Why do so many people want to see me paired up? Why is it so important? For the few friends that I do have that are already paired, they disappear is it is. I don't want to be that person. You get a partner, and you fall off the face of the friends world. Nobody can be blamed for that, they always say it's not going to happen, yet it does. But why are people so ready to set me up with their brothers and friends? With the boy I used to like, with the guy I said was cute? And why does everybody assume that I am either insane or stupid when I say " I don't want boyfriend" Who wouldn't want warm fuzzy feelings? I'm not opposed to fuzzy feelings, I am opposed to getting in a relationship with somebody I don't care for and having to do a bunch of stuff with that I don't really think matters. That's why there is so much divorce in this world. PEOPLE: It's okay to be a alone...(so says collette, your wonderful collections leader). Um, yeah...I have work very early tomo...Today. I think I should stop all this raving well Im not to far behind. Night.