Apr 14, 2004

I don't want to go to work...In fear that I will be bombarded with bitch ass guests again. A couple days ago at the store bar-b-q I was told I was a jealous lame ass. Not those words excatly but rather that I was " Just jealous over ##$%$# because he could do a job that I can't" um...No. The person they are talking about is a supervisor and we all know that I am not one of those. I wouldn't like to be a supervisor. Hell knows that I don't have this whole, " company image". I would just like to get paid for what I do at this hell whole. What probably hurts more is that this came from one of the higher up bosses. What a dick. He used to be so nice to me, ha, what a corporate act. I hate that! I guess you just never know.