Dec 31, 2003

Ick, IM SO FULL!!! Im the sick kind of full. Too much Panda Express!!!
Eww! So as me and Rosa pull into P.E. scoping out the place, we see this guy whom we happen to work...Eating a lunch with some chick...Some chick who is not his Gal. He has been real mushy mushy kissy kissy to this chick at work, they have kissed, they hang out all the time...And here he is, eating lunch with this chick! I feel lousy, because this girl is real smitten with him! This is her first real boyfriend and he is cheating on her...She so does not deserve this! Stupid guy! Now IM mad. What the hell do I say to him? Should I? Oh shit...Who knows.

Oh my dear god! I have went 96 minutes over my plan!
Oh god. Collette does not have that kind of money. I am SOO stupid!

Dec 28, 2003

I wish I has super powers. Half because, well, the would be super powers and how fricken cool would that be? And half because I wish I could use them to make things happen. Make people come online and chat! I need a good little chat about now! Please?

Dec 27, 2003

I haven't always been this ridged, this cold. Do you ever just leave? I always think about it. Think about just not making that turn to my house. Think about making no turns until I get somewhere I don't know. Finding the place I never wanted to be. There just seems to be so much of life here. My sister is pregnant. My friends are all going mad. People want to fight. Things are being stolen; I just kinda long for the time in my life when, it was calm. Nobody to call me and ask me to go out. Nobody to ask me where Im at. Nobody to watch, or cover. Nothing for me to protect, nowhere for me to hide. No reasons for me to hide. No happiness, no sadness, no tears. Just, a place, where I could sit, let the sand squish between my feet, and hear the waves crash, and let the mind of this freak of the leash. It's 2am and Im tired. Not really, but it's something I should say. So I'm going to bed, I'll undoubtedly talk to you later. Night.

Dec 24, 2003

Just in case the little one's need to know! ;)@

Dec 23, 2003

Im home! Not that I didn't want to be at the other house...But rather, my own bed! Finely! Thank god! I didn't think I would miss it's cold flat like squeaks! The people I was for where so kind and gave me $100 for my trouble, I needed it! I just did the math and realized that I spent $46 bucks on gas this week, that's a lot! For me now at least! Before that would of been nothing! When I had the truck I was spending at least $100 a week to fill it up.
Geeze! I think this will be a small post. My hands, are hurting bad! It's working it's way to my fingers! The doctor said it's work related, but typing is really effecting it! It's a feeling that starts in my Knuckles, spreads to my wrist, than spreads up my arm, creating this claw like effect, than my fingers go numb and I try to move them and they get a tingling sensation. Ouch x3 I keep trying to play it off at work, like I can work through it, but god oh god, it fucking pains! Haha, instead of complaining maybe I should get my prescription filled!
Haha, I'm talkin to this guy from work and I quote "
xxxxxxxxxxx: it's even stupider for girls to go out and get drunk.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: losing their virginity to people they think love them, which I laugh at
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: oh he loves me, you just met him ya dumbass "
Haha, at last! A guy who understands this!

Dec 19, 2003

Im at my real house now. But not for long! I will be going back later to the cold house. I finally got enough balls to turn on the heater. I just don't like fiddling with there stuff, It really makes me nervous! ROSA WILL BE WITH ME TONIGHT! Than God! I do NOT want to repeat last night when I woke up every five seconds freaking out by surroundings i didnt know. It was more like..."awww....*yawn* Im awake again...Damn...oOGOD! Where the hell am I?....O...*yawn...* Im tired, why did I wake up?....*snore*"


So here I am. House sitting. It's very creepy. It's like, I have never even been to these people's house before, and now here I am, un-supervised and using their computer. The only downfall is that there is no AOL IM. I don't know if I can make it through the night! At least Rosa is on yahoo. I have a blog, some chow, and a house all to myself. HEEHEE! NO PARTY'S!!!! If there has been one thing that has been said 100 times and beat into my mind, NO PARTIES!!! My mom felt the need to tell me. Which is stupid, because if she knows me at all, she wouldn't of said it. I hate parties. It's a lot of people just waiting to get horribly embarrassed and or drunk, in witch they than have to run around and explain themselves to their parents. I mean...Your 21? You have nothing to lose and nobody to hurt...Go for it. Hmm, o while, it feels like I will be up...Late...No...All night, I shall hit ya back later k?

Dec 16, 2003

The windows key!, you are obviously very helpful
and in a way, the windows key helps you too.
Thank's for taking my quiz!

Which key on the keyboard are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I don't like cats. I don't want to own a cat. Rosa suggests tonight that we should go ahead and start the cat collecting because there are no men left of earth. In some ways I believe her. Sure there are those days when I can see that the person for me isn't close, but...There are things that one lead one to believe, well, there are always fish is the sea. Well, I think there is a drought in my sea. Who? Where? When? I know that being alone isn't the worse thing that I could have, but...:(


What's your sexual appeal?
brought to you by Quizilla

Dec 15, 2003

You're Tony Robbins! You run around pumping people
up with your power and go get 'em attitude, and
you won't stop untill you've shaped up the

Which Infommercial Star Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

To have a Patent on a comb over...I would devorse the guy who came up with this one, TOO MUCH TIME! You know, why not ponder life, or somthing!?

I wouldnt say that this is Totaly Absured rather cool actualy!

Dec 9, 2003

Hello, Pikachu from Pokemon. You are very friendly
and nice, but when somebody you don't know
comes to talk to you, you are very shy and so
scared you won't run away. You do whatever is
loserish, and you do not fight back if somebody
is mean to you. If you had magical powers, you
would use them seriously (evilly). So,
basically, you are a wimp, a loser, and
everything NOT cool to the people around you -
even though you ARE the good guy, but if you
had advantage, you would do what is NOT
loserish :)

brought to you by Quizilla

People do some odd things to their receipts! Their are two kinds of shoppers. Those who never keep their receipts, they have no clue where they go, and in their mind, we never gave them it. And than there are the keepers. The people who will keep EVERY single kind of receipt they ever get. This includes, but is not limited to: Gas receipts, store, ATM receipts, ect, ect...blah, blah blah! There was this guest who came into the store today; she was returning a pair of shoes and some underwear. She couldn't find her receipt. She pulled out a stack of crumpled, folded and jammed slips about (no lie) 4 inches high. I almost shat myself. She muttered that I was " Fucking rediculis!" because I wouldn't return her items without a receipt. So to get back at me, she went through the stack, as slow as possible. She would look at every second one and proclaims " I have a good feeling about this one!" Than learn it wasn't it and move on. This went on for about 10 minutes. I was watching the clock out of pure boredom! Come on people, just keep your receipts! And if you decide that you don't like the Target return policy, yell at the corporation, not me! I don't run the store! For god sake, what kind of power do you think I have!

Dec 6, 2003

Rosa and I...Well, we have started this " Your on my list" thing between each other. Here is such said list: (p.s. to be on this list, isn't a good thing;)
1. Jerrackoff guy: The guy who kept putting his skanky self all up on me!
2. abC: The supervisor who was a BITCH acting like I was trying to scam him, also told me that I was stupid for complaining to the bosses about Jerrackoff guy.
3. Marry poppins: A really hot cold type boss, she's nice one week, than a Be-otch the next two.
4. Dented: A retarded, bitter, old man whom I try to work with, except for the fact, he keeps trying to yell at me, even when I'm not supervising.
5. Gilligan: The bitch ass boss that's hella mean to me and than claims, " We need you! You know that! There are only 3 people who are trained like you are!" yet he than is a dick to me, why chance it that I am going to leave!

So what's new...hmm, let's see, I started a new diet. What else...Oh, I went to the doctors, turns out what my mom is calling carpul tunnel, is actually tendonitce. Something she says is because of My cashering. Wouldn't be to sad to see that part of my job go! Even though I don't cashier at all now. It's more like " Collette, come pretend your a supervisor" And it's not that I don't want to do it, but, I would LOVE a raise! I would LOVE it, ha, especially since I just bought a car! Ha, forgot that part! I bought a car last night! Pretty nice in general, I'm really happy with it. Now I can drive all over the place and stock whomever I need, or who ever Rosa may need for that matter!

Dec 3, 2003

You should be dating a Pisces.
19 February - 20 March
Your mate is loving and caring, trusting and
hospitable, and romantic. Though he/she can be
self-pitying, temperamental or dependent, the
fishes are quite romantic in bed.

What Zodiac Sign Are You Attracted To?
brought to you by Quizilla

Site meter...nice.

Dec 2, 2003

Remember when I said I felt unproductive? Yeah, well that's come to eat my ass! I failed all three of my online classes. I don't really have anybody else to blame other than myself, I know, but still... It's like, I should of stayed in my photography class and not of dropped it. I lost my Doyle scholarship now. This means that I will have to pay for college all on my own. There are those around me whom feel that I am destine to so called "Mooch off" my parents. What the hell! I'm 18, not like I'm 30 living at home or something. My mom has been pushing me to leave Target more than ever. I'm mad about that. I don't want to leave. It's like... I don't plan on being there for a long time anyways...But still, to be TOLD to leave, hurts. I want to make my own decisions for once. She's been getting on my case about getting a car and getting a better job. I KNOW! Let ME take care of it! What's worse is that she tells me this whole " I'm not telling you what to do...But you can't stay there, you just can't, you don't get paid enough and they don't treat you well, but you know if your willing to let them walk over you that's all okay, you do what you want to!" I hate that! Stupid parents!

Nov 30, 2003

I feel so completely un-productive. I have TONS of homework to do, yet, here I am, checking out things for the blog and taking tests. I need productivity to happen here soon.

You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Fresh Mint.
You are caring and friendly. You have a nurturing
personality and always help out a friend in
need. You are fairly outgoing, and always show
a friendly face. You truly care for other
people, and you show it. However, you may
neglect your own responsibilites or become over
involved in your friends' personal affairs.
Most Compatible With: Orange

Which Tic-Tac Flavor Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I have these huge closet mirrors in my bedroom. They are going to be shot. I have just realized the huge amount of weight I have gained. Those damn donuts and Target food Ave. Stops are killing me. I'm killing myself! I need to stop. This has gotten totally out of control!

It HAPPENED AGAIN! I leave for tree minutes, and any post I have creatively constructed, goes to dust because...because... I have no clue! But it's really getting old! I have found my pet peeve with AOL, I miss Juno!
I'm looking at the clock, and noticing that I have gotten done a lot of what I needed to do, but at the price of 3hrs over what I should. I should of been in bed right when I got home. I should of, but I didn't. Instead, it's 2:54 and I have to be up in 2hr!
The sad thing is that I am incredibly sick. Instead of having that great sexy deep voice that some get when they have a cold, I have that " Oh my god, you sound like shit!" voice. This would be funny and all, except for the fact that both of these voices sound better than my normal voice. I happen to hate myself in that respect. I sound like a cracked out teenager out on steroids. I hope this changes with time and age.
My voice is returning slowly with bunch of tea and cough drops. This sadly isn't any consolation to the fact that I had to hunt for the tea for something like 10 minutes. My sister and her family have moved back in. And as I am extremely happy to have them here, I'm reeling from the change. It's like, "Hi, all your stuff needs to be shoved in this little corner and you need to get up early to be insulted by your sister daily okay?"I'm not set up for this kind of life. And as a side note, I still can't find my Orange Spice Tea!
Geeze, I'm kinda excited about work tomorrow! The new supervisor of Food Ave. Will be starting. I'm kinda wondering how she's going to work out. We REALly need help in there. The tension is working and people are starting to SNA-P. Today was okay though. We had me and my so-called-twin brother and Another co-worker in there. We tend to have a blast when we are together. The day started with me walking in and bother yelling " Hey Collette! COME PLAY!" It was a great way to start the day! I enjoy the fast pace work that we do back there, but the stress is so much. It's like nothing else. People can be fucking cruel! At some points in the day, we would have 4 hamburgers on the grill 4 French fries in the broilers, than We have to worry about the popcorn and the hot-dog orders. It takes a long time for the French fires to cool, excatly 5min. But do you think people take that into account? No, they just yell and bitch. I say fine, if your the one cooking, but if your ordering, you don't know what the hell is going on back here. Nowhere did we say this would be fast food, it might be quick food, or, speedy, but not your normal 2 second, lemme pull the car around, meal! IF! that is not good enough for you, lemme point you in the direction of the next Mc Donalds okay? *This is where I would pull out the birdie and direct you to kiss my ass!* So, yeah! Tomorrow will be interesting if the supervisor feels differently!
I really need to get to bed! Wow, an hour has passed since I have begun this post! Sick! I need to sleep! I really hope I am not spastic tomorrow at work!
Me and Rosa went out and did more of out random shit tonight. I love her. It's great to be able to have somebody to do anything with. Usually most people would be saying, " I'm so happy that I can find somebody to tell my secretes to!" but in my case, I'm more stupid than deep, so Its finding somebody to be able to do my stupid shit with. With Rosa, I can be stupid. I can be " Hey! I hella want A donught right now!" (it being 11:30 at night!) and being able to do it. But all joking aside, I can tell her my good deep stories too. It's finding somebody that can Handle that kind of balance that makes all the difference. She's a good pal. My mom was telling me yesterday that It was funny that me and Rosa where so close. I've never really had a good friend that I did things with because I wanted to. Everybody before, I just kinda did shit with, because that's what was needed to not be a loner. But in this case, I find myself saying things like " OMG! ROSA NEEDS TO BE CALLED RIGHT NOW! " and I love it. It's freedom like this that will make me into even more of a bitch. I'm surprised I even have friends, they always say I don't play well with others! Well "They" and the "Others" can kiss my ass!

I wonder if my site meter will be transfearable...hmm, I was EXTRA excited when I hit 1,000. I REALLY hope it is!

Nov 29, 2003

OMG! I typed the best entry, than got kicked off! Im not going to type it again, but, geeze, this ticks me off!

Nov 26, 2003

Me, and Rosa. What is there to say, we are sick! Sick to a fucking premium!

Nov 24, 2003

Haha, NO WORK TOMORROW! Heehee, that's great! I'm hella excited! There shall be lots of sleeping in, doing nothing and online mosey. Heehee! I'm bad! R-E-A-L bad! I have made new plans regarding this whole " He likes you!" guy from work. It's gunna be me. I'm going to get him to come online, or just plain talk to him bought it. I'm not really into this whole, "Can you tell him, to tell me, about you telling him about me?" thing. It just makes me just too nervous. I start to freak out get that feeling where I think he might start to think that I like him, instead of him supposedly liking me. I don't want to become a desperate gal. What I'm truly afraid of is someone saying what I fear most " Her? Eww! Hell no!" That's what holds me back...I need confidence is what it is. Yeah...Where do I find that, and about how much do you think it costs? Haha, it's all apart of my internet shopping addiction.
Speaking of! I got my Old Navy order today, I ordered two pairs of flip-flops, a red pair, and a pink pair, and than a purse. The purse is larger than I thought, and a different color than I expected, but still kinda cool for only $7.99 Other than that, I'm just waiting until Christmas when I get my new lens!!! Heehee, I'm looking for the perfect softener and maybe a Sepia lens. MOOOoooommmmm!!!! ;)

Nov 23, 2003

This shall be the new home, or temp home that is of Clollections. So whats new...hmm...I don't know.