Mar 19, 2005

The counter is stuck at 659

I wanted to drop in and say something...Maybe just for saying something's sake. I hate rambling ( Hmmm) So I'll try to keep this some what important. Yeah....Right!
Can I just say that NetFlix is great? I don't know why I didn't listen to kareem sooner! Pick your movies, they are dropped off at your house watch them, return them and than bam! MORE MOVIES! It's not like a normal movie place because there your not really apt for returning them on time. Here it's like, I WANT to make all the effort to walk to my mailbox and return the movies because I know there will be more movies that I actually want to see coming next instead of wondering around aimlessly in Blockbuster looking for some sign of something worth the $3.50 or whatever it is to rent it. This week? Spider Man 2! Pi: Faith In Chaos! Im excited, because I cleaned my room all up and now it's my little get away where I don't have to do anything do get around and be stressed out about.
Work today slightly got the better of me. I got there all excited because I was in so early and was getting off at 4 and what was even better was that I was working on the front lanes and not in icky food avenue. So when I got up this morning I did my hair, got all dressed up, actually took time to do my makeup and just got " Nice", but when I got there, my Team was nowhere to be found...Okay...Didn't want to jump to conclusions...Call them, ones sick and the other had a huge schedule mix up. Nice. So I go from jazzy and psyced...To dirty and down in 2 minutes flat. By the time I got help in there, I was sitting back in my over air conditioned office trying to write my review and do the stack of paperwork I have left from Food Ave. So I'm a little down from that. Other than that...I think I'm doing better.
I have a doctors appointment ( Gotta love America) In a month. What hedge was saying really hit home. Not because I was unaware that I was depressed lately...But it took me back for a moment when I first read it. I thought "no" just lately...But than Looking through everything for months and months, I realize, it's been too long. It's hard for me to say because I feel so foolish...If that's the word I want to use, but when I was younger I was hit by depression for a good 4 years. I always just assumed that it was because it was high school " Who's ever happy in high school?" But not to the extent that I was. I don't think there's something huge wrong and I know it has a lot to do with my attitude and how I choose to deal with things, but I also know that I can only go so far and my body and brain have to meet me half way. This all brought up some things that I really need to consider though...If there is something wrong...What? And if there is, how will I choose to work through it? I'm not the biggest fan of drugs of any kind. I don't even take aspirin, not for fear, but rather that I've always just believed the pain wasn't " Bad" enough to have to resort to pills. Oh while, It's something that only time and a doctor can tell. For now...I'll just sit around...Waiting...


Anonymous said...

Hi Collette.

That is a hell of a long time to wait for a Dr. Anyway I'm glad that your taking control of shit, and not letting shit take control of you. You really do have your head screwed on the right way!
You also look pretty in pink, so things are'nt all that bad eh?

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