Mar 27, 2005

I keep thinking...

It's funny, Life it so simple, so easy, it's right there in front of us, be what you want to be, be happy, do what makes you happy; However, we don't listen. We don't pay attention that it's the day to day drone that makes things worth while. We go through life thinking of everything except the obvious. Look at it this way, art? Theater? Jobs, money, birth death, it's all in part of what makes us happy. Why live a life that does anything other than that? There's a level of numbness that develops when we forget. It's the idea that life has to be something or give us something, when in fact, it would seem that it's up to us to get what we can out of the experiences we get. When you think about all the people whom have passed before us, what is it that is their last thoughts? What do we know of death until we have lived it? I would imagine that it's the last regrets of what I didn't do rather than what I did...