Nov 26, 2004

You deserve what you feel

What I'm thankful for......Its not my house, it's not my car, it's not my job, and it's not anything in my bedroom. It's the way Rosa has called me 4 times today. It's the way I left work yesterday thinking " Friday might just go ok!", It's how my mom stayed up all night last night cooking and than all day cleaning, and it's how my dad worked 12 hours last night. It's how Kareem can take on five extra tasks at once and still find the time to make fun of me, it's how people take the time to tell me how a cashier has made their day, it's how even when things look down...Things are still looking up from where they where. It's the sappy love movies, it's the time I can take out of life to do my stupid antics, it's how my niece will mimic my every move and how my nephew refuses to give me a hug until I am already out the door. I'm thankful for the people whom surround me. People who I hate, people who I love and for all those who I haven't even spoken to. It seems life's design has it out for me and in it, I am who I am...Only because of these people.