Nov 19, 2004

It hurts

It's like speaking to a group of people for an hour...And they just sat there drooling into their laps. I deal with people all day at work, people who yell at me, tell me I'm incompetent, lazy, rude, stupid, retarded blah blah blah, and than I come home. People arguing, running around, fighting, cleaning, madness. The only escape I truly get is when I get out to go with Rosa and my other pals. I welcome this time. Today was the height of it all! I had an extremely stressful day at work, enough have me in tears, so tonight was going to be awesome for me. Fuck that all down the drain! I get to the mall where Rosa and Heath are to be waiting for me. They where nowhere to be seen. I call them once...Twice, three times, four times...No answer. That kinda pissed me off, but I finely got ahold of them and I was ready to get my shop on...But than all of a sudden my whole car shakes. This car full of three guys has just pulled in next to me and one of the guys who has just opened his door slamming it into mine. I try to get out of my car but their door was still there...So I wait. By the time I could get out, they are halfway to the entryway into the mall and are yelling back " No Speaka English!". Anger billowing out...Spilling over onto my arms that are now gripping my door itself, looking down at this huge dent they have put on my car, put into my patience, put into my hard earned car. So here I am, standing with the whites of my knuckles shaking the car door slightly back in fourth thinking in my head...How FUCKING good would it feel to Smash my door into their car? How good would a crunching sound make me feel right now? It would make me feel great! That's the truth. Slamming my door into their car would make me feel awesome at this point...But what about after this point? I stood there thinking for a a little bit longer about how good I would feel..But than I thought about why they walked away. What would I do if I was them? What had happened to them today? Who says they haven't had the same day I have? And even if they had sat at home on heated pillows eating grapes being served by women in skimpy bathing suits...Would me denting their car...Make my car not dented anymore? Would the paint magically jump back on my car? Would the feelings of hate and anger disappear? The answer is no, and I'm getting over it now. But than heath and Rosa come out to the car... I had tried telling them what had happened but Heath wasn't listening to me. I would try to talk to him, but he wasn't even listening to me. It's just like work, just like home, just like him. I can't handle it! I'm sitting here in these tears I only feel shamefully for, wondering if anybody has ever listened to me? It hurts, It hurts a lot.