May 1, 2004

Oh I'm sorry, you seem to have some boobs on your shirt...ummm...

So I am horribly addicted to Ross now. Which is, for those who don't know, a small retail chain in which specializes the discounted cloths of name brands. Right now, I am wearing my New Paris Blue Swede jacket, which was originally $59.99 now only $9.99! And a v neck top which is brown, pink and cream colored originally $26.99 now only $9.99 Haha. Very cool indeed! I have aptly named this the " Hey look have have boobs and I'm going out" Shirt. I will probobly only ever wear it once, and only to Target or somewhere like that. Haha, I shall disregard the fact that my innocent mother just instructed me to go seduce the guy I like at work with this outfit!