Apr 14, 2009


I have the kind of life that requires no direction. It's so exciting to have no requirements of me. If I want to sleep all day I can, if I want to go to the gym at 4am or 4pm I can do that too. Another day, another pound, another month another size. I took the dog for a walk today, wondered around aimlessly, street to street, wondering...is this what my life is going to be about? My mom keeps telling me I need to get out and make friends, hang out, go out blah blah blah. Is it wrong to enjoy being alone as much as I do? I feel like this is the first time I have EVER been without influence. I am so easily influenced it's kinda of ridicules. It's fun finely being...me.


Kelly said...

No, I like being alone best as well. We can be loners together. In different locations. God bless the internet.