Oct 27, 2005

Fixing the mistake

It started early this morning. Nagging at me deep inside my dreams. Planting a seed that grew into the horrible ugly feeling that was today. I want to crawl into a hole and cover myself forever, maybe jump off the top of the tallest coffee shop and burst into million of tiny pieces. I don't know what started this. I made my way home tonight crying as I made every turn, thinking " OMG...What the hell am I doing??????" everything I bring myself back to is " There could be worse! Think about it collette! You could be in a horrible car accident...Then again you can't drive your car for much longer because it's no longer registered...But thankfully you have your health....But you also don't have health insurance..." LAME!!! I wish I could just be happier, JUST BE HAPPY COLLETTE!! Just, get a job, just work, and do it better then ever! Okay?