Oct 26, 2004

To become a father is not difficult, but to be a father is

I don't understand some peoples logic. It fails to pass even the obvious logic tests and yet... They hold their ideas in the light for " all" to marvel in.
The simple nature of a child is enough to make you think twice about your actions. Who is to speak for the one man who doesn't see this? Is it my place, my right, my duty to speak up on how a person is to raise their child? Who is the man who would never even sit and watch a movie with his child? Things like, responsibility, duty, honor, these words don't mean anything the this man. He wakes up in the morning and realizes that his life is already perfect, yet it is everybody else who needs to change. It's this man who would put his girlfriends head through the wall one day, than sit with her family and cuddle her endearingly the next day. It's this man who beliefs he owns all with out dropping a tear, when others whom have worked their entire lives...And whom never stake claim to the respect and honor that they deserve.
It's not the fact that he won't sit and watch Scooby with his son, it's not the fact that he doest love his mother, it's the fact that his son knows he doesn't love him and that's what's wrong. Fuck the father and fuck the mother, they shouldn't of had a child, but oh while! It's a little to late for that wish! He's here, he's beautiful and fuck me if his own flesh and blood doesn't love him. That pain is larger than any toy, larger than any hug, Larger than any kiss, and larger than any mother; and who's job is it to be to make sure the little boy sleeping so adorable with his little blanket and stuffed dinosaur isn't the one who feels this pain of having nothing where something should always be? I'm more than here


Kmayhem213 said...

this is a great piece and i can tell that this came from your heart.