Jul 31, 2009

I suck today

I'm coming to terms with things in my life.
1. I can not cook
2. My hair, will never be flowy and shiny
3. I will never have giant perky breasts
4. I can't make a sweat shirt and sweat pants look sexy
5. I will snort, and belly laugh and it will NOT be sexy
6. I'm a crocheting, overweight, fuzzy haired 24 year old single women.

I'm going to go over to my best friends house tonight, and I'm going to pout and putter around until I feel better. At least there, I know he will tell me my hair looks like crap, my food tastes awful and I look like a two bit whore. That's because that's what friends do! They tell you the truth and tell you that they love you anyway!


Kelly "DANGER" Burgenstine said...

but that's not the truth, and if I find out that he's actually talking to you like that I'll fucking kill him. NOT COOL MAN!

You're beautiful, smart, talented, and funny. The bee's knee's mam.