Mar 13, 2007

That of love and war

What is it about violence? I sometimes feel we truly are captivated by it.
When I was young(er) I realized something about the way we love.
The thing we spend much time trying to describe, explain, and understand, is something that will always be one step out of our reach and yet, in all it's glory, we will never stop chasing it.
The golden mystical glow that involves our hearts, our minds and our souls, is to hold us captive till the end of time.
Being of much understanding, love and hate, aren't that much different.
With out one, the other would never exist. Thus our captivity to gore, hate and brutal senseless fighting.

We often fight fierce, and ruthless with our hearts and desires and because of this no man truly misunderstands what it means to fight for love.

It makes one wonder, those who are filled with hate; The ones who fight with senseless words and weakened bodies...those are the ones who truly understand what they are fighting for and sometimes, for a nameless battle and yet, anything but.