Sep 4, 2005


I'm thinking about a nap! Shouldn't but its really very tempting at this point!
I got my research paper topic today, something very lame if you know me at all... " Your pregnant, and decide to raise the child on your own, your life situation is still the same as it is now, what do you do?" Ick, being 2o and pregnant has so been done already in my life. My sisters paved that pathway a loooong time ago. Their where some very interesting topics on that list that I would of been very interested in researching, but I guess this is my Damn lot in life. And yes that's funny because that's the actual title the professor has given this research paper " Your damn lot in life". Referring to the fact that life is like a deck of cards, you can't waste time bitching about what your where dealt, take it and make the best of it! At least I'll learn something there!