Sep 11, 2005

Lame me

I realized today something about who I am. I turn the Channel when the news gets to sad, I hide the paper when I don't want to read about people without homes, and I turn the page to the article on Google rather than read about the people looting the streets. Isn't it nice to be able to turn other's horrible tragedy on and off at a whim whilst they fully live a night waking horror?

I got in a huge fight with a really good friend at work today. It started innocent enough, something or another about them not checking in on another friend. And somehow, I got really really upset that they had not been worried about this other friend, who was really effected by everything going on. Granted this wasnt the first fight like such, but not with these people. I'm ashamed to not fight, and I am too fight. It's there own life's and they own what they get to do and what they don't get to do. If they aren't caring and compassionate than that's their shit, if I don't want them to get into my life, than I guess I can't get into theirs. You can't MAKE a person care. I wish they would. I wish people would stop thinking about themselves and start to care of one another.

Two weeks ago I called a very very good friend, an " Insensitive ass hole". I'm sorry for doing that...even if I still think It's true. I shouldn't of said that. Wooops! Where did all this anger come from? Like I've been telling everybody for the entire week: VACATION! I'M GOING ON A TRIP!