Jun 2, 2005

Im leaving the spelling how it originally was!

I'm just reminiscing from an old blog what I have done over the past couple years

June 6, 2002
What is included on this fat list? One major obvious thing is to get
a job. I went to target and filled out an extremely long electronic application.im not a real big fan of big stores or target for that fact. But the mother has been really getting on me about my employment status. I do want some extra cash for fun. What Im really worried about is Getting cash for my extra time and not having any extra time to use it

June 11,2002...
The happiness is growing in me. Heehee....I got the job at Target!!! eeek! incredibly happy right now. Income is nice and just the factIthat i lived through the interview was gThet. the guy that interview me was young and hella funny. It made me muchcomfortablertable. THANK U GUY! He started off by asking me just to talk ovquestionsstionsIthat answeredwsered on my application and then asked medifferentffrent ones. "Tell me when a time you had to cyour youre secdule to nmake room for youre past job" Heehee, One of my more memorable days working at the theatre happend to be the day i was called in on a day i had requsted off to have me stand in the middle of the lobby for 6 hours telling or warning guests that the floor was slippery. I told him that and he found it very funny and pointed out that i WAS getting paid to do it. (somthing that i had laughed about before) He tells me that I needed to get a pee test done and then they would call me in on monday for orentation. I am guessing that means if i pass the test i got the job. He told me that my secdule was workable and i would be put as a cahsier. After i told him that i preferred working with the guest because i really enjoy helping people he wrote somthing on my paper and smiled hevely and muttered "good, great, i like that" So i dont know when i start but assuming that i pass my piss test...which i will, i will probley get going by monday.

June 20, 2002
I need to go now, this is me
realizing that its 11:35 and tomorrow is the first day of work at 10:00 in the morning.

December 1, 2003
People do some odd things to their receipts! Their are two kinds of shoppers. Those who never keep their receipts, they have no clue where they go, and in their mind, we never gave them it. And than there are the keepers. The people who will keep EVERY single kind of receipt they ever get. This includes, but is not limited to: Gas receipts, store, ATM receipts, ect, ect...blah, blah blah! There was this guest who came into the store today; she was returning a pair of shoes and some underwear. She couldn't find her receipt. She pulled out a stack of crumpled, folded and jammed slips about (no lie) 4 inches high. I almost shat myself. She muttered that I was " Fucking rediculis!" because I wouldn't return her items without a receipt. So to get back at me, she went through the stack, as slow as possible. She would look at every second one and proclaims " I have a good feeling about this one!" Than learn it wasn't it and move on. This went on for about 10 minutes. I was watching the clock out of pure boredom! Come on people, just keep your receipts! And if you decide that you don't like the Target return policy, yell at the corporation, not me! I don't run the store! For god sake, what kind of power do you think I have!

January 3, 2004
So what's new...hmm, let's see, I started a new diet. What else...Oh, I went to the doctors, turns out what my mom is calling carpul tunnel, is actually tendonitce. Something she says is because of My cashering. Wouldn't be to sad to see that part of my job go! Even though I don't cashier at all now. It's more like " Collette, come pretend your a supervisor" And it's not that I don't want to do it, but, I would LOVE a raise! I would LOVE it, ha, especially since I just bought a car! Ha, forgot that part! I bought a car last night! Pretty nice in general, I'm really happy with it. Now I can drive all over the place and stock whomever I need, or who ever Rosa may need for that matter!

Augest 8, 2004
Haha, I haven't posted in a real long time. It feels like I've been at work for the entire week. I might as well start to camp there seeing as I never get to stay home as often as I used to. I'm setteling well into my new position (Clareical, aka,a desk job). I get to go out of the store for official training next week and am very excited about that. All in all...Nothing new as of yet.

October 5, 2004
Today was supposed to be the first day I was to be in the New Napa Store training for my new position ( Guest Service Team Leader, aka superviser). As I believe I had said before the Napa Store is new...Not like only been open for a few weeks...But as in...Opens tomorrow. So I drove my ass all the way down there only to be told to come back tomorrow. Napa from here is what makes out to be 1.5hr drive. That just pissed me off. How can the executives of such a large store not have their shit together? Oh yeah...Easy, It's Target. I forgot.
Haha, I just realized...One day the store will stumble upon this and fire my ass because I am what they would call a liar, and what I would call truthfully. We shall see.