Apr 3, 2005

Pondering makes me sleepy

Is it wrong to truly wrong to love being alone? I don't just love it, but need it. "Being" with somebody has practically taken on a completely different meaning in my head. I was thinking what it would truly be like to live in the city, and the thought of being around so many people made me rethink my Idea until I realized, there's nothing more lonely than being around lots of people and being truly away and alone. Since I was a child I have always craved that need to be alone. My time to either calm my insane thoughts or to sooth my happiness with a reality pep talk. However, why alone? Are we pre designed to have these built in desires? Alone, together, close but apart, far but together? Is this how different people are? Or is it that we all are puzzle pieces living for the one true fit in which everything will come together and life will be meaningful? The cheesy is always possible.