Dec 9, 2008


I just needed somewhere to gloat......I've lost 35lbs in the past 3.5 months. First time in a loooong time that I am down this skinny, and I have 50 more to go before I will be the smallest I have been for most of my life. My goal wight is actually only 20lbs from that weight so in total I only need to loose 70lbs more till I am healthy, and skinny! Skinny, I don't care so much about, but healthy! No more pills, no more lethargic sitting on my butt because I'm so tired, and yayyy to finally fitting in clothes right! It's been so long since I've had something fit me right! My pants are fitting me ridicules right now! I mean, saggy butt! I hate it, but why buy new clothing when I am just going to keep loosing!? It's kind of encouraging to see how bad things fit and I keep it in my head to keep working out, keep taking my medicine and keep eating less! Late night's killing me! Buy yayy Wii Fit! It's what I owe most of my weight loss too!