Sep 3, 2008

This sucks

Today....How to describe today...
The kind of day that makes you wish you didn't move out of bed, let alone wake up? Yeah! That's it.

Symptoms. Oh wonderful symptoms! Now on top of the stomach aches, hypoglycemia, and hair is falling out. Not only is it falling out, but I'm getting sores on my head. It's HORRIBLE. HORRIBLE! I can't possibly get any lower on the scale. I couldn't even make it through class today. I couldn't seem to focus enough on the work to even stay for the entire hour.

I'm feeling desperate. I just wish I had something to look forward to again. I wish I had something to tie my concentration to. This is going to be the strangest analogy, but it's the only way I think I'm going to be able to explain it; Remember the cartoons where Elmer Fudd digs a hole, throws a carpet over it and then bugs bunny walks up unsuspecting and steps onto the rug? I'm feeling like that lol.