Aug 16, 2005

He was sleeping with a smile...

I can't sleep. Maybe it's because school starts tomorrow...Is it lame to admit I'm nervous about going back? Lol, I've " started" school so many times, I should be used to it! What I'll never get used to is the Idea that I'm actually making something of myself. I seen some kids from my Graduating class today. They where applying for jobs at my store...I looked at their applications, ( Because I can!) And I realized....These where some of the smartest kids I know in School. They where the people you envied because they where the smart kids that could still balance being cool and good grades and here I am, Looking at their application, thinking of how I'm making 2x what they are and how in some cosmic evil kinda way, it's only fair! Ah well, I have my plans for tomorrow to make things easier. First I actually have to stop by work and work for like two hours. That's where ( Because they are now in store!) I will pick up my starbucks and make my way to Class. Than after that nice hour.5 I will go BACK to work and be there until 8.

I really really wish I could sleep! I originally feel asleep at the boys house. He was passed out and was talking up a storm...I do believe he was having quite a good dream by the way! Anyways, I feel asleep there, than for some reason I woke up around 2 and couldn't go back to sleep. OH! Maybe it has something to do with him making me watch E.T. which is my all time scariest movie! We rented it with him thinking he'll help me conquer my fears...I think he just enjoys making fun of me, He pointed it out to not only people from work, but than the guy at the movie rental place! Lol, aww, that's why I like him though. So we make it half way through that, both him and I half passing out, so I didn't even have to make it to the scary ass ending part!
HA! He said I had to watch it...He never said ALL of it! ;) So I get up around 2:30am, thinking I might as well come home to a) Beat my dad who gets home at 3 and thus avoiding any and all awkward times of me walking in at 3am well he sits in the livingroom watching sports TV. And b) Maybe my own bed will aid in putting me to sleep. Oh how fucking wrong I was! I think the trip from his place to my own woke me up even more than wanted and now I am irreversibly Awake! Hmmm, starbucks does open...Now!