Aug 5, 2005

The Haircut did it to me

Everything isn't that normal cut and dry as I like it. You ever repeat something your not sure of to another person, in hopes they will say what you really want them to say back to you? " This really looks bad hugh?" you want them to say " No!" you want them to shout no. You want them to grab you and make you believe that it's perfect and not to change a thing, but they don't. They agree. This all should make me more happy in the idea that I am human and I know my own short comings, but sometimes I still fall short of saying what I truly want. How much do we loose by saying what we don't want to say? By saying what we shouldn't say? Saying what we want to say? By saying what we should of said last week? Yesterday? Last Year? Another retarded question I already know the answer to, that I just had to ask for...Never mind...