Jun 22, 2009

Just a thought...

As a young child, I was certain of my death. I'm not sure it was more then my morbid curiosity growing ,however I never really stopped thinking that my death was right around the corner.

Now as an adult, I sometimes forget this strange odd personality quirk and think positively. It is however every time I get ready to leave on a family trip I feel like " I'm not coming back". You may laugh at this, or even start to ask yourself about my sanity yet I have solid scientific proof to back up my thinking. See, nothing has ever really happened to me. Everybody that was alive when I was born, is still alive today ( as it relates to my family ect) There has also been a lack of tragic events in my life to which almost create an interesting story of an uneventful childhood. So I am always thinking how it's when I expect nothing, something will happen. Thus I find it helpful to expect that something tragic will undoubtedly happen sooner or later and because I have yet to pay cosmically and in karma, what will happen to me...will be big. Or...I might die in my sleep, peacefully, without any police standoffs, bear attacks, or freak California tornado's.

Don't miss me if and when I go though. This is simple also! I have had a great life! I have loved many and many have loved me. I have had the sampler plate of life if you will and I liked it! I haven't lived to regret anything or anyone. I am certain, as many I'm sure, that I have shared this planet with some of the most interesting people and if and when I leave, I will leave full. I just hope, in some metaphorical way, I have left a tip for all those people who have helped me. I'm a big tipper! I would like to be known that way!