Dec 31, 2005

More Later, I'm sleepy!

Today it's raining, tomorrow it's gunna rain, it's been a week since it wasn't raining and It will be another week until it stops. I feel wet all the time and there's a since of depression thought the culture of Sonoma, Marin and Napa county's. There is a fear I hold, because I am now part of the commuter world, that I am going to hydro plane into a car and flip both of us. On my way home with Robert I nearly slid off the road into a wall twice. What really made my heart jump a beat was how my car began to slide sideways and as I begin to lose more and more control my heart begin to sink just a bit lower into my chest. I hate the feeling that I could hurt not only myself but those around me. I Hate the rain!

This is something that im sure your going to get tired of but it's more of for me then you, okay?

This years New Year's resolutions!
1. Loose weight: I always say it, I always wonder if it will happen, always wish it would and always wonder Why I don't.

2. Spend more time with my family: I will remember later why this is never a good idea, but until then, just saying it makes me feel better! hahahaha

3. BE ONTIME: yes, Robert knows as well does my previous employer, I need to get real on this and I believe this will be my biggest focus this year.

4. Be true: I will work on becoming more honest with my friends and family and even in my relationships.

5. Less Fighting: I will stop becoming argumentative.