Nov 11, 2005


Life is a little bitter tasting at this moment. The lack of money and funds for things I must have, are hurting my day to day life. I now even dream about not having money. It hurts that im so unable to provide for myself but it also makes me angry. When I got fired, I realized two things, 1. This is the biggest mistake this women is making in her relatively new and short carrier. And 2. There are so many more that are still there that have " More attendance Issues" than I. So me being a little resentful thinks all the time about how her mistake has made such a dent in my life. I wondered, maybe once or so if I'll ever be able to financially recover. This only thinking of the awful hit my credit has taken in the last month. I hate this feeling, It's hopelessness and helplessness. It's LAME.