Oct 22, 2004

A "jiffy" is an actual unit of time. It is 1/100 of a second

It is estimated that the average person living in North America opens the fridge 22 times daily..

In the famous words of Apollo 13 commander Jim Lovell, "_____, we have a problem." Lovell's actual words were "Houston, *we've had* a problem."

Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream company gives their ice cream waste to the local Vermont farmers who use it to feed their hogs. The hogs seem to like all of the flavors except Mint Oreo.

The banana is the world's largest herb.

One job that actor Brad Pitt held before he became famous was that of a costumed chicken for El Pollo Loco restaurant.

The number of hamburgers the McDonald’s fast-food chain has sold is 12 times the world's total population.